Frequently Asked Questions

  • Project INSPIRE is funded through The Anguilla Initiative with the generous support of philanthropic foundations and individual donors, assistance from the Anguilla Department of Education, and in kind donations from numerous technology parthers, such as Lenovo and Promethean.

    The Anguilla Initiative will solicit funding for continued expansion of Project INSPIRE from individual donors, corporate sponsors, government entities and other non-government organizations.

  • Financial donations for Project INSPIRE can be made via The Anguilla Initiative which is registered in the Commonwealth of Virginia and is a US-based federally tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Donations can be made above or via

  • The Orealia Kelly Primary School, Vivian Vanterpool PS, and Alwyn Allison Richardson PS have all been launched into operation. Project INSPIRE will be focused on rolling out the 3 remaining primary schools in the 2024-2025 school year.

    The Anguilla Dept of Education determines the priority order of rollout based upon size of school, demonstrated need, and cost of implementation.

  • Project INSPIRE’s framework includes a comprehensive Performance Evaluation program.

    Numerous methods of data collection are used to gather objective and subjective data on technology use, familiarity, and access before, during, and after the roll out of INSPIRE to a given school.

    Data collection activities primarily focus on teachers and students with supporting activities involving parents and administrators.  Data is obtained via self-reported surveys, focus groups, online software, standardized tests, and other reporting activities.

  • “INSPIRE” is transforming Anguilian education by integrating technology into every facet of learning. With the generous support of a few strategic donors and EdTech partners like Lenovo and Promethean, we are putting technology in every student and teachers’ hands, and providing the support needed for an integrated program to thrive.

    • Lenovo laptops for each student and teacher

    • 75” Promethean Displays in every classroom

    • Enterprise-grade WiFi and electrical infrastructure at each school

    • Microsoft Office software and ALEKS online math software

    • Ongoing teacher professional development

    • Continuous performance evaluation to measure success

  • The Anguilla Department of Education will provide parents and stueetns ducational resources on the use and care of the devices. 

    Teachers will be instrumental in the learning process; parents will be critical in ensuring students exhibit appropriate care for these valuable technology devices. 

    While many students are already familiar with electronic devices, use and care will be tremendously important since the devices ultimately belong to the Anguilla Department of Education. 

    Strict guidelines will be in place and all students will be required to practice good digital citizenship in their use of the device. 

  • Students, parents, guardians, and all family members will be critical in ensuring students exhibit appropriate care for these valuable technology devices. 

    Parents/guardians and students will receive a written agreement that must be signed and returned prior to the student taking possession of the device.

    If the device is damaged or stolen due to negligence, the parents will be financially responsible for the repairs to the device.

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